Just Epiphenomenal, the 3rd track of the album Synapses, has a plethora of themes, reflecting on the variety of the emotional spectrum.
Epiphenomenalism is the position on the mind-body problem, in which every effect we experience is caused by our physical existence (neurological impulses, biochemistry, organs). At the same time, the mind is aware of these conditions as subjective events, even if anxiety, anger, fear, happiness, sadness and everything else, are all just... illusions.
Similar to a computer that has its own reality inside a closed system, our psyche is shaped by our hardware, as it simultaneously tries to make sense of the exchanges between this duality. This awareness is interpreted as contradictory by the criticism of epiphenomenalism, nevertheless any advanced system could run diagnostics and even repairs to itself.
If one applies this to the most sophisticated system imaginable, what would they see?